Full Name*
Phone Number*
Email Address*
Province / State*
Postal / ZIP Code*
Purchased From*
Type of Flooring* —Please choose an option—Solid HardwoodEngineered HardwoodEnhanced Hardwood
Grade of Flooring* —Please choose an option—HeritagePremierSelect
Reason for Choosing Superior Flooring
Which Room was the Flooring Installed in?
BedroomFamily/Living RoomKitchenOffice/DenHallBathroomBasement
Number of Residents
Number of Pets
Type of Pets
Type of Home —Please choose an option—Single DetachedSemi DetachedTownhomeCondoRentalRetail/Commercial Space
Age of Home —Please choose an option—< 5 Years5 - 10 Years11 - 15 Years> 15 Years
How Would You Rate Your Overall Purchase of Superior Flooring? —Please choose an option—Very GoodGoodFairPoorVery Poor
How Satisfied Are You with the Product You Purchased? —Please choose an option—Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SureNot Satisfied
How Much Time Did the Store Take to Explain Superior Flooring's Product Options? —Please choose an option—A LotA Good AmountAn Average AmountA LittleNone
How Would You Rate the Amount of Time Taken to Explain the Care & Maintenance of the Product? —Please choose an option—Very GoodGoodFairPoorVery Poor
Are You Satisfied with the Timeliness of Your Order? —Please choose an option—YesNot SureNo
Would You Recommend Superior Flooring to Other People? —Please choose an option—DefinitelyProbablyNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not
What Should We Change in Order to Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?